
Dikla Akrat began her successful career at a prominent hotel chain in Tel Aviv, Israel. It wasn’t long before her talents were recognized and she rose up the ranks. After 15 years, Dikla could proudly say she had held positions such as Director of Sales and Marketing, Director of Customer Service, and Director of Reservations. Her latest venture for the past five years has been working in the United Kingdom to help struggling businesses thrive and to guide young entrepreneurs who have startup dreams. To find out more, visit Dikla at her website!

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Traveling as a Learning Experience: Educational Trips and Study Abroad Programs

Traveling is often associated with relaxation, adventure, and exploration. However, beyond the excitement of visiting new destinations, traveling also offers profound learning and personal growth opportunities. Educational trips and study abroad programs are increasingly popular ways for students and lifelong learners to immerse themselves in different cultures, expand their horizons, and gain valuable insights into…

The Law of Pure Potentiality: Tapping into Infinite Possibilities for Growth and Expansion

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Abraham Hicks Teachings on Time and Manifestation: Harnessing the Power of Now

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